“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”

— Ferdinand Foch

Get to know me!


a graphic design enthusiast with a passion for bringing ideas to life through creative expression. I'm fascinated by the power of design to communicate, evoke emotions, and tell stories. Whether it's crafting a captivating logo, designing an eye-catching poster, or creating an engaging social media campaign, I'm always up for a challenge.

When I'm not immersed in the world of design, you can find me exploring hidden corners of the world, scaling mountains, or simply enjoying the serenity of nature through hiking and camping, I find inspiration everywhere.

I believe creativity thrives on new experiences, and I constantly seek ways to translate my adventures into visually captivating designs that resonate with others.

This passion for exploration, both of the world and of design, is what truly fuels my journey. It's a reminder that life is meant to be embraced with curiosity and a touch of wonder. After all, isn't that what ignites the spark of creativity in all of us – the relentless pursuit of something that excites, challenges, and ultimately, allows us to leave our own unique mark on the world?

My Journey: Academic Background & Achievements

Gemeinschaftsgrundschule Senden-Bösensell (2013-2019)

Geschwister-Scholl-Realschule Senden (2017-2019)

Fritz-Winter-Gesamtschule Ahlen (2019-2022)

Language Academy Lippstadt (2020-2021)

Exchange Year at Boulder Creek High School (2022-2023)

Städtisches Gymnasium Ahlen (2023-present)



Ahlen Begeistert (German)

PSE (Englsish)

WN (German)

WN (German)

Certificates and further Accomplishments

Completed the seminar “Presentations” with the grade “very good” — Language Academy Lippstadt, March 2021

Certificate of Completion “training for Holding speeches and presentation” — May 2021

Certificate of Completion “Professional Communication Training” — May 2021

“Germany´s youngest foreign language correspondent (English)” certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry — Dortmund, December 2021

Certificate of honor for being one of the best graduates in North Rhine Westphalia — Düsseldorf, 2022

Certified Appointment Setter — Phoenix, AZ, USA, December 2022







Passion · Persistence · Community ·







Passion · Persistence · Community ·

The Spark, the Drive, and the Connection

  • It's the fire that ignites my journey. I believe in chasing what excites me, whether it's exploring new design possibilities or venturing into unknown territories. Passion fuels my creativity and drives me to constantly learn and grow.

    ~ Passion

  • Challenges are inevitable, but they don't define me. Persistence isn't just about brute force; it's about resilience, adaptability, and the unwavering belief in the power of hard work. It's the key that unlocks the door to turning grand ideas into tangible realities.

    ~ Persistence

  • We're all connected. Collaboration and connection are essential for growth. I value the power of community, both in design and exploration. It's through this collaborative spirit that we can push further, achieve greater things, and ultimately, enrich the journey for ourselves and others.

    ~ Community

As you've explored this page, you've gotten a glimpse into my world — But this is just the beginning! If you're curious to see how these passions translate into my work, then dive right in! Head over to the next page to explore my design portfolio and discover the stories behind the visuals.